NLN Core Competency VII: Engage in Scholarship
According to Halstead (2007), “scholarship is an essential component of the nurse educator role and nurse educators must engage in those professional activities that systematically advance the science of nursing education,” (p. 144). The integration of scholarship of discovery, teaching, application, and integration, when utilized together aide in learning and faculty development (Boyer, 1990). The nurse educator as a scholar integrates these four domains and then disseminates the findings including, but not limited to, presentations, publications, research, and service (Halstead, 2007). While integrating and disseminating the scholarly work, the nurse educator must demonstrate and possess certain characteristics that when act as a catalyst in becoming an effective educator. Among these essential characteristics are the ability to critically think and problem solve, effective professional communication and collaboration skills, (Chinn, 1999). Integration of the four domains of the scholar and the characteristics of the scholar, propel the nursing educator to the path of success within the nurse educator role.
I currently meet this standard by my effective collaboration and communication skills. I believe this is a skill that allows for continual improvement in the professional and personal arena; however I am able to integrate and practice these skills in my current position as a clinical consultant. Working as a clinical consultant, I research and convey the findings to my team as well as the clinical strategists with whom I work. I find research to be an integral facet of not only my current position, but vital to my career as a nurse educator.
To further develop my skills with this competency I aim to be proficient in domains as outlined by Boyer (1990).
Application. I will apply my knowledge and what I continue to learn into my own practice. Application of my knowledge will help me to better my teaching and remain credible as an educator in what I teach. I will continue to be a life-long learner and practice utilizing evidence based practice as my guide as I continue in this field. To apply this knowledge into practice outside of the classroom and specifically get involved in is present at a conference or perform a poster board project in my area of expertise. My current speciality is a PACU nurse and educator, I would like to present in either an ASPAN (American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nursing) or a USPAN (Utah Society of PeriAnesthesia Nursing) where I am a member. I am studying to certify as a CPAN (Certified Perianesthesia nurse) and will take the exam within six months.
Integration. To me, this area screams ‘research’. Research used to have a negative connotation to me prior to my upper level education. I now find discovering and learning through research enriches myself and those that I teach. About a year ago, I was doing some light ‘discovering’ within the AORN (American Operative Room Nurse) journal and found a practice to improve patient outcomes. This discovery led to an entire hospital and organizational change within surgical services across the corporation and improved patient outcomes. Specifically, what interests me within this domain is research for presentations and peer reviews/evaluations. As I am a member of SSTI, within the year I plan to create a poster project and present on capnography utilization within the PACU setting. I think that staying up-to-date with what is evidence based will keep myself at the cutting edge of my own practice, both as an educator and clinician.
Discovery. I am interested in case studies and literature reviews. I have been involved when I worked in the acute care setting with many research trials and case studies. My interest in these areas has peaked even more. The discovery domain can be ambiguous, however, seeing how this really ties in well with the integration domain and essentially the scholarly projects for one carry over to the other domains. Becoming proficient in discovery is the integration at a cognitive level of knowledge and the application of the knowledge together utilizing critical thinking. Working with my mentor, short-term I will work with my mentor in my current positon and get involved with literature reviews my corporation is involved with. Long-term I will work with my mentor within the academic setting to
Teaching. This domain is the integration of all domains, and actualizes that learning never ends. As educators we naturally want to assist in motivating others to succeed, see them learn and celebrate in their successes. Due to my recent position change I have yet to find a mentor in my current position. Within three months I will find a mentor who will act as a resource to me as I continue toward my goal of a nurse educator. I cannot be the educator I want to be without the support and guidance of a mentor. Once I become proficient and an expert I would also like mentor new faculty when I become a full-time instructor.
Boyer, E. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Princeton, NJ: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Chinn, P. (1999). From the editor. Scholarship: the paradoxes of the 14 Cs. Advances in Nursing Science 1(1). 13-23.
Halstead, J. A. (2007). Nurse educator competencies: Creating an evidence-based practice for nurse educators. New York, NY: National League for Nursing.
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